
A market-leading solution that goes beyond hosting.

With our Website Care packages, we go above and beyond your typical website hosting service. Our packages include the server space and storage that your website needs to run on – its reliability determines how well your website functions and handles high volumes of traffic. A poor (often ridiculously cheap!) hosting service can massively affect your SEO ranking score, slow your business growth and, more often than not, introduce a wade of hidden and unnecessary costs as issues crop up.

We’ve created a comprehensive Website Care solution that is designed to meet your business needs. Not only do we host and maintain your website, but it will also be placed on our hightech, ultra-secure server. Our servers are regularly monitored to ensure the security of your website and its performance, ensuring your site can be accessed 365 days of the year by your customers.

All packages include:
  • Fully managed website hosting service
  • Website backups
  • Malware monitoring
  • Website firewall
  • Website snapshots
  • Load balancers
  • SSL certificate
  • Imap mailbox*
  • Domain name management and renewal.

The website hosting solution included within our Website Care packages is perfect for WordPress websites with low to moderate traffic:

  • Linux-based virtual machines (VMs) that run on top of virtualised hardware.
  • Shared CPU, which are ideal for websites that mostly run at low to medium load, and occasionally burst for brief periods of time.
  • Flexibility to choose the memory to CPU ratio most appropriate for your website.
  • Sufficient bandwidth (the number of visitors/traffic – you have to your site) for low to medium traffic sites.
  • Reliable and secure solid-state (SSD) hard drive storage space to suit your database, file storage and backup needs.

*If you require business-critical email technology, we would recommend Microsoft 365 Exchange mailboxes. We can help set this up for you, please ask for more details.

Upgrading to a dedicated hosting solution.

It’s important for businesses to consider investing in a dedicated hosting environment – especially if their website experiences medium to high volumes of traffic. A dedicated hosting solution will provide you with a scalable solution that can flex (without hindrances!) as your business grows, with dedicated memory, storage, bandwidth etc. to support your organisation.

This type of hosting is ideal for:
  • E-commerce sites and payment gateways
  • WordPress multisite installs
  • Multiple company websites
  • Medium-to-large-sized databases
  • Website applications and API integrations
  • Enterprise Software as a Service (SaaS)

If you need this level of hosting support, get in touch to learn more about this service. This service is completely bespoke – we’ll develop a specification that meets the demands of your website and traffic volume.