We’re a ‘The Drum Recommends’ marketing agency

We’re super excited to announce that we’re now on The Drum Recommends list!
The Drum Recommends, formally known as The Recommended Agency Register (RAR), is The Drum’s service to help brands find the right partners and make confident choices about which marketing and digital agencies to work with. Using a unique performance-based rating system, The Drum Recommends sets out to simplify the sourcing process for brands. Any organisation looking to partner with a marketing agency can carry out research by seeing client ratings for the agency’s different services.
What does it mean to be recommended?
To be officially recommended, we’ve gone through The Drum’s quality validation process and received at least three positive ratings from our clients in relation to specific services. In total, Reech have received 6 recommendations for 9 services, including branding, website design, and photography and video. Going forward, we’ll benefit from better visibility as we’re more likely to be found by brands online through The Drum Recommends website. We’ll also have the opportunity to learn from client reviews, identify opportunities for continual growth and promote our range of services.
Got a project for us?
We’re ready for it! Pop into our office for a cuppa (we’re over on Shrewsbury Business Park), give us a bell on 01743 296700 or drop us an email at [email protected] – we’d love to hear about your company and discuss how our kickass industry experts can help you!