17th Oct 2024 2 minsread

Seamless Synergy: How website integration is driving the property sector


Howie, Kent & Co are revolutionising the commercial property sector with their commercial property lettings and land agency services. They work with rural landlords to uncover untapped potential in agricultural buildings, matching these with growing businesses needing commercial space. 

We recently launched their new website and led a complex website integration project, linking their WordPress website with multiple third-party property feeds including Rightmove, On The Market and Zoopla.

Prior to this project, the Howie, Kent & Co team were spending considerable time uploading new properties to multiple portals. This was using up valuable staff time and creating inconsistencies in their company image across different platforms.

Reech designed and developed the new frontend website for Howie, Kent & Co and created an intuitive property feed with a supporting backend system. This created a seamless and user-friendly frontend experience for their target audiences, whilst making it easy for their internal team to upload new properties to the backend of the website.  

We then began the integration work with Property Hive to ensure all platforms that Howie, Kent & Co used to promote their properties were speaking to one another. We carried out research to recommend the best integration that would incorporate all the most important channels and give maximum visibility to their property listings. We then carried out the vital backend development work to launch and test the integration.

Benefits of the integration

  • Increased brand visibility: The integration made it easy for Howie, Kent & Co to push their available properties to multiple platforms, increasing their overall digital presence and brand visibility.
  • Improved brand and product consistency: This automation ensures that the way their brand and properties are presented is consistent on all platforms.
  • Freeing up internal resources: It also frees up valuable time with their internal team, to focus on the work that will drive forward the business.

We’re looking forward to partnering with Howie, Kent & Co to grow and evolve their website further and to witness the impact this has on their business growth.

If you’re interested in finding out about how website integrations can drive efficiencies and growth for your business, get in touch with the team today.