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Spark is our gift to you. Because we believe that creative is essential for digital performance and business growth, we include flexible access to our creative, UX and web teams with all our ongoing marketing services.


Shrewsbury Food Hub has been fighting against food waste in Shropshire since 2016. It collects surplus food from supermarkets, manufacturers and farms and shares it with local groups. However, these activities only account for 30% of all food waste whilst the remaining 70% takes place at home.


Shrewsbury Food Hub therefore wanted to create a new campaign to motivate 1,000 families in Shrewsbury to reduce their food waste at home, protecting the environment and saving them money. The campaign would also allow Shrewsbury Food Hub to have an impact on the whole expanse of food waste, rather than just the 30% they had been addressing so far.

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Working closely alongside Shrewsbury Food Hub’s marketing strategists, Reech created the Taste with No Waste campaign. This was a challenge to local families, groups and businesses to reduce their food waste at home. Sharing waste-saving tips, tasty recipes with leftovers and motivating people to make small changes, the campaign spanned the Hub’s website, social media and community outreach. Supporting this, we created an email automation series sent over two weeks, containing short clips with helpful tips on how to reduce food waste – all starring Steve, the Food Hub’s amazing chef.

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1000 + families took part
£ 4.30 saved on food per week
44 % reduction in food waste